...or contact us if you have more questions, fun ideas, or want to share...
... or come visit!
Available Items is a warm space located in the historic village of Tivoli. The shop is located in a 19th-century house with two stairs at the entrypoint at the corner of Broadway and Feroe. Currently, we are not wheelchair accessible but we are working with the village to create solutions over the next year, we are happy to accommodate as we can. Please contact us for further assistance, we'd be happy to help.
We are committed to providing access to our website to people of all abilities, and have added Accessiblyapp.com to this site to assist as needed. We have made good faith efforts to comply with ADA guidelines, however, if you have any questions or trouble navigating our website, or if there are any questions about accessibility to the shop, please contact us directly. Thank you!
Parking is available on the street in front of the shop and in four nearby public lots.